Pokemon TCG: V Theme Deck – Charizard and Drednaw
Contains 1 Charizard and 1 Drednaw deck with each purchase!
Each 60-card deck is led by Charizard and Drednaw. Each deck includes everything you need to play right away.
In Charizard box, you’ll find:
- 60-card deck
- 1 metallic coin
- Single-player playmat
- 1 deck box
- Damage counters
- 1 rules booklet
- 3 reference cards
- 1 code card to play this deck online
Deck List
- Charizard ×2
- Charmeleon ×3
- Charmander ×3
- Yanmega ×2
- Yanma ×3
- Magcargo ×2
- Slugma ×3
- Sudowoodo ×2
- Lugia ×1
- Bede ×2
- Dan ×2
- Evolution Incense ×1
- Great Ball ×2
- Hop ×4
- Leon ×2
- Ordinary Rod ×2
- Professor’s Research ×2
- Sonia ×2
- Switch ×2
- Fire Energy ×18
In the Drednaw box, you’ll find:
- 60-card deck
- 1 metallic coin
- Single-player playmat
- 1 deck box
- Damage counters
- 1 rules booklet
- 3 reference cards
- 1 code card to play this deck online
Deck List
- Drednaw ×3
- Chewtle ×3
- Samurott ×2
- Dewott ×3
- Oshawott ×3
- Barraskewda ×1
- Arrokuda ×3
- Cramorant ×2
- Wishiwashi ×2
- Bede ×2
- Dan ×2
- Evolution Incense ×1
- Great Ball ×2
- Hop ×4
- Nessa ×3
- Professor’s Research ×2
- Sonia ×2
- Switch ×2
- Water Energy ×18